6.1 Global Identifiability
A model is (globally) identifiable if the parameter values uniquely determine the probability distribution of the data and the probability distribution of the data uniquely determines the parameter values. (Everitt & Howell, 2005)
6.1.1 Parameters in CDMs
In CDMs, the model parameters are item parameters (denoted by \(\Theta\), e.g., guess and slip for the DINA model) and population proportion parameters (denoted by \(\mathbf{p}\)).
Person parameters (attribute profiles) are not model parameters in random-effect CDMs.
6.1.2 Global identifiability in CDMs
A CDM is identifiable if all item parameters and population proportion parameters are identified. More formally,
- Definition 1 (G. Xu, 2019)
\((\Theta,\mathbf{p})\) is said to be identifiable if for any \((\bar{\Theta},\bar{\mathbf{p}})\neq ({\Theta},{\mathbf{p}})\), there exists at least one response pattern \(\mathbf{x}\) such that
\[ P(\mathbf{x}|Q,\bar{\Theta},\bar{\mathbf{p}})\neq P(\mathbf{x}|Q,{\Theta},{\mathbf{p}}) \]
Exercise 6.1 Suppose a test with three items measures two attributes and the Q-matrix is given below:
\[ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \]
For simplicity, suppose all items have the same slip parameters, denoted by \(s\) and the same guessing parameters, denoted by \(g\).
Please show that \(p(00)\) and \(p(01)\) are not identifiable.
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It can be shown that the conditional probability of all response vectors for \(00\) and \(01\) are identical. For example, \[\begin{align} P(\mathbf{X}=(000)|\alpha=(00)) &= g^3 \\ P(\mathbf{X}=(000)|\alpha=(01)) &= g^3 \\ \end{align}\] This suggests that from a response vector, there is no way to distinguish \(00\) from \(01\), and therefore, \(p(00)\) and \(p(01)\) are not identifiable.
More formally, \[\begin{align} P(\mathbf{x}|Q,{\Theta},{\mathbf{p}}) =&\sum_c P(\mathbf{x}|\alpha_c,Q,{\Theta}) p(\alpha_c)\\ =&P(\mathbf{x}|\alpha=(00),Q,{\Theta}) p(\alpha=(00))+\\ &P(\mathbf{x}|\alpha=(10),Q,{\Theta}) p(\alpha=(10))+\\ &P(\mathbf{x}|\alpha=(01),Q,{\Theta}) p(\alpha=(01))+\\ &P(\mathbf{x}|\alpha=(11),Q,{\Theta}) p(\alpha=(11)) \end{align}\]
Because \(P(\mathbf{x}|\alpha=(00),Q,{\Theta})=P(\mathbf{x}|\alpha=(01),Q,{\Theta})\) for all \(\mathbf{x}\), \(p(\alpha=(00))\) and \(p(\alpha=(01))\) cannot be uniquely determined.